Blundering Judges
A law unto themselves

Many of our readers will have experienced massive injustice at the hands of some pontificating     and liberally unwise Judge in either the Family or Country Courts.  (sorry, we wont publish accounts  of criminal cases)                                                                                                                                 

It is a sad fact that these unelected officials dispense so called justice upon the everyday person without      care of regard for the consequences of their questionable judgement.  There is a growing murmur of discord   in a society that has to suffer these fools under fear of penalty or criminalisation if they speak out.  We will   speak out.                                                                                                                                            

If you have a story to tell, let us know.  We would love to include home addresses of any Judge whom has    squandered his unearned power over you, with utter contempt for your very existence. 


Stories :-

Judge McDuff - Family law case, ruled against a perfectly decent man whom never sees his daughter anymore.  We will also expose the ex-father-in-law whom clearly had this Judge in his pocket.  For the full story - Read

Judge Munby - Family law case, jailed a respectable decent man for saying "hello" to his children.  What the hell is going on in a society where these judges free real criminals and lock up decent hard working people ? !!! -Read

Please send us your stories !!!!

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