S'not my fault
Victoria Climbié - and the lies keep coming

We often criticise the SS for the way in which they interfere and destroy families by being over zealous and making up problems where problems don't exists, falsifying evidence and lying in court.

Lately, we ran a story about an SS from the North, Mr Potts who's blatant incompetence lead to a little girls death.

Here, we a have a similar and well publicised example of just such blundering incompetence.  And whilst the Potts case is distasteful, due to his actions post the death, this one is worse as is shows a determined effort to cover up, hamper enquiries, and refusal to accept blame.

The Climbié case was well publicised and demonstrates how utter incompetence can lead to a Childs death.

We don't want to focus too much on the case, but rather, we want to demonstrate just how corrupt the individuals involved in  this case are.  They cover up, refuse to cooperate with authorities and simply get away with it.

But first, let's give out some awards to a few of those involved.  The new, much sought after (not) "Wazzenme club" card.




Our new Wazzenme gold club card is awarded to:-


Gurbux Singh - ex Chief Exec Haringey Council

Denise Platt - Chief Inspector - SS Inspectorate

All of Haringey SS dept



Amnesia strikes Climbié social work manager Carole Baptiste could recall little of Victoria's case and her testimony only raised further concerns about the competence of Haringey social services
  Her head bowed, her face muffled in a black woollen hat and pink scarf, Carole Baptiste cut a strange figure at the inquiry into the death of child abuse victim Victoria Climbié. The former Haringey social work manager also refused to take off her long leather coat as she sat in front of the inquiry panel to give her testimony.

Even under repeated questioning Ms Baptiste struggled to recall basic facts - including when she had qualified and begun her social work career. She hesitated before answering, often mumbling vague replies, and became the latest in a line of key witnesses in the inquiry who have experienced sudden amnesia when pressed on the extent of their knowledge of and involvement in Victoria's case.

Ms Baptiste, 39, ran the investigations team at the north Tottenham branch of Haringey social services. She was supervising Lisa Arthurworrey, Victoria's social worker, in the months before the eight-year-old's murder in February 2000 after months of abuse and cruelty at the hands of her carers.

She told the lead counsel to the inquiry, Neil Garnham QC, that she only had a vague memory of when she qualified. Asked which decade she had passed her social work diploma in, she finally replied "it was around the late 1980s".

Ms Baptiste has gained some infamy for repeatedly failing to cooperate with the inquiry as well as the revelation that her own child was removed from her care in a state of distress just months before Victoria's death.

There were a few tense minutes when she failed to appear on time. "It was indicated to me that she was in the shopping centre downstairs. I hoped she might have made it upstairs," Mr Garnham remarked dryly.

He was forced to repeat many of his questions as the former social worker sat before him in silence or ummed and erred after a deep sigh and a long pause.

Ms Baptiste could not remember who her managers were at the north Tottenham district office of Haringey social services while she was the acting supervisor of the investigation and assessment team.

Nor could she pinpoint when she had led a formal meeting about the adverse impact of an alleged case of intimidation on staff morale and the quality of their work.

"Month? First half of the year? Second half of the year?" enquired Mr Garnham.

"I do not recollect, I am afraid," replied Ms Baptiste.

Indeed she ended up doing little more than agreeing with the QC's version of events. "I will have to be guided by you," she confessed after her memory failed her once again.

While her evidence shone no new light on her role in Haringey's failure to prevent Victoria's tragic fate, it did present further cause for concern about the quality of the council's social services.

Bizarrely, despite finding her professionally unfit for her job in October 1999 - or as the London borough puts it "not appointable" - it emerged that Ms Baptiste was offered a post as a project worker on Quality Protects - the government's programme to modernise and improve children's services.

A revelation, like so many others at the inquiry, that will no doubt do little to raise the public's confidence in social services.

Related articles
15.01.2002: Climbié social worker begs forgiveness
09.01.2002: Killer shows no remorse at Climbié inquiry
21.12.2001: NSPCC told to explain discrepancies in evidence
20.12.2001: Politcial correctness 'puts children at risk'
19.12.2001: Singh washes his hands of blame
18.12.2001: 'Social services cash went to education'
18.12.2001: Ex-council chief: 'I could not have prevented Victoria's death'
14.12.2001: Climbié murderer to give evidence in person
13.12.2001: Fears of Climbié inquiry 'injustice'
11.12.2001: Council chief under fire for 'sorry saga' of delays
04.02.2002: Key figures in the Climbié case
21.02.2002: Timeline: the Climbié inquiry phase one
24.09.2001: Timeline: the lead up to the Climbié inquiry
20.11.2001: Climbié parents may sue over care failings
19.11.2001: Climbié PC shirked visit for fear of scabies
16.11.2001: 'Hundreds of Climbié cases waiting to happen'
12.11.2001: Haringey blasted for 'attempt to influence' Climbié inquiry
12.11.2001: Risk of abuse in private fostering arrangements
08.11.2001: 'Inconsistencies' in Climbié nurses' statements
19.10.2001: Climbiés 'badly served' by Brent social services
18.10.2001: Overstretched child care service 'unravelled'
17.10.2001: Climbié social worker 'barred from working with children'
13.10.2001: Day that could have saved Victoria
12.10.2001: 'I was wrong' admits Climbié social worker
12.10.2001: Climbié doctor admits errors put girl at risk
12.10.2001: Doctor 'suspected abuse'
11.10.2001: Chairman demands urgent investigation into chaotic council
09.10.2001: Climbié council closed cases inappropriately
05.10.2001: 'Chaotic' department lost track of Victoria
05.10.2001: Hospital visit key missed opportunity to save Victoria
28.09.2001: Councils underspent for children's services, Climbié inquiry told
28.09.2001: 'Inexperienced' social worker left to make complex decisions
01.10.2001: Social services were told Victoria's life was in danger
09.05.2001: Head of inquiry's target is to prevent child abuse tragedies

Big issue
The Climbié inquiry

Useful sites
Climbié inquiry official site
Department of Health quality protects programme
Department of Health children's taskforce (pdf)
Department for Education children and young people's unit
NCH Action for Children





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