City Council Fraud ?
                 £270,000 Expenses they get away with it !!!     


After a 2 year investigation by the District Auditor, John Gregory, claims that some £270,000 has been illegally made to councillors has been made.

Apparently, the council rather conveniently forgot to check the "legality" of  a number of Councillors "perks" and allowances.  ...............

The District Auditor also issued a provisional view that a number of longstanding City Council practices do not comply with the relevant legislation.  In simple terms, they are blatantly breaking the law, stealing tax payers money for perks, and forgetting to check whether they are allowed to do it or not.

No correct me if I am wrong, but if you or I did this, would we not be hauled off rather speedily in a Police car, to await sentencing in front of some Magistrate who probably drinks with these councillors, and is in the same Lodge ? 

Not only is this scandalous, it is perverse.  It is also a demonstration of the contemptuous attitude that these people harbour towards to general public.

We are told that the report has sent shock waves through the Council chambers and prompted immediate action.   Erm.....yes, just like a thief would react when he/she is caught I assume.  OF COURSE they will be shocked.  OF COURSE they will take immediate action to stop doing the naughty things that have been going on for years.

By the way, the Boss of this Council recently resigned...............smelly huh ?.  Cant wait to see his expense claims.

Suddenly, Council Members are being asked to turn in their free buss passes, car parking spaces etc......

This is a bit like a burglar returning the property he stole from your house, after he knows the police are looking for him, in the preposterous belief that he will be let off.  But then, they probably will be, as they are a Labour Council after all.

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